TEST - Specific presses for military industry
With standard capacities ranging from 500 kN to 25,000 kN, in C-frame or H-frame, our PHS hydraulic presses are designed for a wide range of applications such as punching, cutting, hardening, etc...
Our presses are available in configurations with one or more main cylinders, features that can be fully customised to meet your exact production needs.
Exemples de machines
Exemples de produits
Robust C-frame or H-frame
FASTBEND 3D MT sturing
1 or 2 main cylinders
Heel snelle X-R-Z1-Z2 Achteraanslag voor accurate positionering van de plaat
Frappe de douille et ogivage
Uitstekende prijs/kwaliteit verhouding
State-of-the-art gebruiksvriendelijke 2D Multi touch Control